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baby dragon

There are myths associated with most ancient cultures. What is a myth? Well, it's a story that usually explains something associated with nature. A story that usually comes from a time before science had gathered the knowledge to explain things. A myth is a story that has gods and creatures that have never existed. Things with powers given to them that would explain volcanoes, lightning and thunder and even the stars and moon. A myth may even explain the beginning of the Earth and people. One of the most recognized creatures of mythology is the dragon. The dragon is talked about in the mythology of many different cultures around the world but were dragons ever real?

dragin wiith knight

Dragon stories are told in myths from great cultures like the Europeans, Chinese, Japanese and the Vikings. People in India know stories about dragons and so did the ancient Mesopotamians and Egyptians. Even in South America, the Incas had dragons. Each region, religion or culture developed dragons that looked different and represented something significant to them. How can so many people talk about dragons in their mythology and there not be some truth to the stories? 

flag of wales

Dragons from around the world have been drawn to represent an animal that is like a reptile with large scales that protect it. Some have wings and soar through the air with no problem. Some dragons have feet, but the type of dragon determines how many feet it has. Some have two feet and some have four. There are some dragons that breathe fire and others who shoot acid from their noses. Most cultures have dragons that explain weather and live in the water and others who guard fantastic treasures. Some were evil and some were beings that protected people. The Vikings carved dragons on the front of their boats not just for protection but to scare the people they were raiding. In all of the stories about dragons, they have magical powers. 


Scientists have studied whether dragons really existed. They have studied all areas of the Earth looking for evidence of this magical creature. What they have found is stories from around the world where ancient people have dug up fossilized bones that could not be explained. Drawings of those bones and the actual bones themselves have shown that what they found were dinosaur bones. There are even bones in a church in Italy that are supposed to be the bones of a dragon that was slain by a saint. Those bones are thought to be ice age bones and the Saint lied about his adventures. Scientists have decided that the bones, combined with man’s fear of snakes, helped to create the mythical dragon.


Whether the dragon was a real creature or not, the cultural belief and mythology is still out there. The flag of Wales is white and green and has a large red dragon. Modern fantasy stories, movies and video games include dragons as characters. The dragon Smaug was a very important character in the Hobbit. Harry Potter battles a dragon during the Triwizard Tournament and Hagrid tries to raise one. If you want to learn more about the modern world of dragons, pick up a good book. There are tons of them.


How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell

Wings of Fire by Tui T. Sutherland

Dragon Slayers Academy series by Kate McMullan